How to use different types of portfolios?

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A pedagogical portfolio is a purposeful collection of child’s work – not only a cute compilation or drawings and photos for families to look at.

Portfolio is a very powerful tool to support learning when used in a right way. The portfolio should show child’s progress and proof of learning. It is an effective method for formative assessment of playful learning and the basis for planning next areas to focus on.

See how you can compile three types of portfolios with Kindiedays:


  • CHOOSE JOURNAL REPORT when you need a general view of the child’s year, a compilation of memories of the academic year/term, a list of which events and activities the child has participated during a certain period.
  • Includes: naps, learnings, events, journal posts, gallery photos.
  • You may leave some categories out of the report (eg. naps) if it is not valid for your purposes.
  • Date View of the Journal Report lists all the activities in a chronological order, including dates & times, photos, videos, notes and learnings. It makes a nice memory of the academic year or term.
  • The alternative Category View groups the activity according categories following each other.


  • CHOOSE DAILY REPORT when you need: more detailed information of the child’s basic care, focused information eg. in the beginning of kindergarten (how the child has eaten, slept or participated in activities during the first weeks), detailed information about the child’s behaviour during a certain period (eg. parents divorce, new baby brother…)
  • Includes: learnings, meals, bathroom, mood, naps, medication, notes, activities
  • You may leave some categories out of the report (eg. naps) if it is not valid for your purposes

Learn about Kindiedays Portfolio Learning


  • CHOOSE LEARNING REPORT when you need: to get a general or even a detailed view of the child’s learning, to know which learning areas have been focused on, to figure out which learning areas to focus on in the future months to guarantee a holistic and continuous learning
  • Shows the progress in each learning area: how big percentage of all objectives has been covered within the chosen time period
  • List view shows the evidence (photos, videos, notes) per each objective.
  • Chart view gives percental and quantitative feedback on the learning objectives reached.

Are you already using Kindiedays?

Here are specific instructions on how to download portfolios through Kindiedays:

First, login to your manager account via

How to make learning visible?

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A portfolio is a purposeful collection of child’s work that makes learning visible - shows the child's efforts, progress and achievements.

Portfolio must include the child’s participation in selecting content and reflecting on it. Therefore, portfolios have the potential of revealing a lot of their creators – the children: the ways the children think and learn as well as assessment and instruction.

Kindiedays Porfolio Learning

There is no one answer what a portfolio truly is. Portfolios are as varied as the children in early education centres and schools.

Read further to find out the portfolio guidelines by Paulson, Paulson & Meyer.

A portfolio must have:

  1. Content that shows the child’s thoughts, ideas and self-reflection.
  2. Child's touch. The portfolio is done with the children, not for the children. Portfolio assessment offers children an opportunity to learn to value their own work and themselves as learners.
  3. A purpose - at least one of them is universal: Porfolio should show progress on the learning goals that are presented in the curriculum.
  4. Information that illustrates growth.

How to combine playing and learning?

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Children just LOVE to play! Therefore, in early childhood education and care, play is the most important way of learning. See the tips and a practical example how to incorporate learning in play in a pedagogical manner - and soon the children love love love to learn too!

What is Finnish ECEC?

Why play?

Play motivates the children and simply brings joy. In early childhood education and care, it is necessary to understand the value of play for the children. Play has also pedagogical significance in learning as well as in children’s holistic growth and well-being.

Do adults have to play too?

Play is a key practice in early childhood education and care. It is important for teachers to observe children’s play and either guide it from outside or participate in it. The presence of teachers in play situations support interaction among the children and prevent conflicts.

Teachers must also document the children’s play. Observation of play gives tons of information about their world - thoughts, interests, emotions, experiences, fears...

How to make children's learning visible?

Where to play?

Children’s learning environments need to be flexible, as play and games can take place anywhere depending on the children’s imagination and wishes. Play and therefore also learning happens everywhere, not only during guided activities or circle time. Children might learn various things while for example taking a stroll in the forest (tree species), building a lego tower (counting blocks) or dressing up a doll (body parts).

How to combine playing + learning?

1. Observe what the children are interested in (in other words: what they talk about and what they like to play with)

2. Take children's interests and plan activities according to them

3. Choose learning objectives according to the children's needs and skills (according to their personal / group / center curriculum)

4. Plan activities that involve the children's interests + learning objectives


Are you prepared for the New Education Policy requirements?

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Government has given prime importance to Early Childhood Education. This will no doubt raise the bar for quality education across the whole market.

  1. The curriculums and pedagogical approaches are renewed significantly:
  • Play-, activity- and inquiry-based pedagogy is in focus.
  • Learning objectives guide activity planning and implementation.
  • Assessment will shift to examining the learning process.
  1. Parents need to be empowered
  • Parents have a significant role in the child’s learning.
  • Ways for them to participate and take responsibility need to be developed.
  1. Preschools and childcare centers face increased competition
  • The renewal underlines achievement and accountability of prescribed curricular standards.
  • Parents ask for proof of the children’s learning and want to see Return on Investment.

New competences and new working methods are now required to achieve the desired outcomes in the preschool. Use of new technology is also a prerequisite to make the change successful.


The whole learning process need to be revisited to support holistic learning:

"If you want the truth, ask a child"

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

In the beginning of the new year it is good to take a second and go back to the basics. What is important to remember when working in the field of Early Childhood Education?

Early childhood is defined as the period from birth to compulsory primary school age, which varies across countries. It is time of remarkable growth and important milestones in brain development. During this stage, children are highly influenced by the environment and the people that surround them. (Unesco 2020)

What is early childhood care and education?

Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is much more than preparation for primary school. ECCE aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills in order to build a stable and broad foundation for lifelong learning and overall wellbeing. ECCE has the possibility to educate caring, capable and responsible future citizens. (Unesco 2020)

Early childhood care and education means all forms of education for children under school-age. The guardians of the child decide whether or not their child participates in organized care or if they take care of their child at home.

There are public and private childcare centers. Some childcare centers follow a certain pedagogy (eg. Reggio Emilia, Steiner, Montessori) or have emphasis on a certain topic (eg. science, art, music). Some childcare centers are large while others very small. Despite the size or emphasis, each center is unique and has their own working culture that is formed by the manager and staff.

What is Finnish Early Childhood Education?

How and why are children divided in groups?

It is easier for most children to act, play, focus and learn when they can spend time in smaller groups. The groups of children in ECCE centers may be formed in different ways, for example, according to the age of children, sibling's relationships or needs for support. The groups must be pedagogically appropriate, and provisions on staffing and maximum group sizes must be considered when forming the groups.

What is a curriculum?

The local curriculum for early childhood education and care obligates to assess, renew and develop the culture of ECCE. When the working and operating methods are evaluated it is essential to consider how they will best support children’s growth, development and learning. The starting point for all decisions happening in the child care center, must connect with the goals of the local curriculum. It is also always important to consider the child’s best interests. (Finnish National Agency for Education 2020)

It is beneficial for learning if each child has an individual curriculum. When assessing a child's individual early childhood education and care plan, the focus should be targeted on how the activities are arranged and how pedagogy is implemented. The child’s individual curriculum should be completed in the beginning of the new school year and evaluated together with the guardians at least once a term. (Finnish National Agency for Education 2020).

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