What do reports reveal?

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

With the help of holistic reports and statistics you can reveal a lot of children's learning and your center's way of tackling the curriculum!

With Kindiedays reports you can:

  • illustrate children's progress
  • make learning visible
  • see the child's progress in the curriculum’s learning objectives
  • locate possible needs for learning
  • guarantee holistic learning in the center
  • review statistics on how efficiently the curriculum has been applied to
  • guarantee that all the learning areas are in balance
  • plan future learning

Now you can show evidence of learning to parents as well as provide a competitive and profitable pedagogical service.

See below and learn which reports reveal you the issues you have been thinking about.

Child Portfolio

Portfolio is a purposeful collection of child's work that makes learning visible and illustrates progress.

Use automatically collected Child Portfolios to view and store the child’s learning journey, including pictures, videos, notes and learning objectives.

Share with families and involve them in their child’s education!

Already using Kindiedays? Here are specific instructions on how to download Child Portfolios (Journal Report) through Kindiedays!

Child’s Learning Report

Learning report shows child’s progress in each learning area

Use automatically collected Learning Reports to get feedback on the child’s engagement and progress in the curriculum’s learning objectives. Locate possible needs and guarantee a chance for holistic learning.

Share with families to strenghten their confidence in their child’s learning and in your center!

Already using Kindiedays? Here are specific instructions on how to download Learning Reports through Kindiedays!

Curriculum report

Curriculum report quarantees a holistic education in your center

Use automatically collected Curriculum Reports to review statistics on how efficiently the curriculum has been applied, to guarantee that all the learning areas are in balance and to plan future learning.

Share with the head management, groups’ supervisors or teachers to guarantee quality in your center!

Already using Kindiedays? Here are specific instructions on how to download Curriculum Reports through Kindiedays!

Get Kindiedays Portfolio Learning solution to support your center's learning process!

Kindiedays Homepage

What is a Curriculum Report?

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

How to use a Curriculum to guarantee a holistic education in your center?

Curriculum is the red thread or the road map in early childhood education. Curriculum holds all the action together: it shows the framework, guides how to work, what kind of learning environments and challenges to offer, how to move forward, what to teach and so on.

It is important to have a Curriculum in early childhood education as it makes teaching purposeful and children’s progress visible. Curriculum includes multiple learning areas and even more small learning goals inside itself. Little by little children achieve these little learning goals guided by the teacher. Curriculum is the map and teacher navigates the right way through it, so that as many children learn as many aspects of the curriculum as possible.

Once you have a curriculum it is not going to be the same for good. Curriculum must and does change regularly, according to the children, teacher, terrains, environment. “By effectively using curriculum, you’ll be helping your students stay on top of the latest in-demand skills and to have a more coherent learning path” says Classcraft.

How to use a Curriculum Report with Kindiedays?

Use automatically collected Curriculum Reports to review statistics on how efficiently the curriculum has been applied, to guarantee that all the learning areas are in balance and to plan future learning. 

Share with the head management, groups’ supervisors or teachers to guarantee quality in your center!

Here are specific instructions on how to download Curriculum Reports through Kindiedays:

Portfolio - how to make a good one?

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Portfolio and pedagogical documentation go hand in hand. Both focus on making the child's learning visible and enabling professional formative assessment of playful learning.

Porfolio is a compilation of various documents that show progress on the learning goals that are defined in the curriculum.

Pedagogical documentation aims to capture the meaningful learning moments of children. Educators should then use these documents to modify their planning so that children learn even better.

Pedagogical documentation is an essential working method in early childhood education and it guarantees the best possible learning path for children. All valuable documents can be saved in a child's personal portfolio. But what type of documents should the portfolio include?

Documentation is observing for example children’s play, projects, discussions, ideas and inventions via taking photos, making notes, writing down explanations as well as tricky questions, saving artwork, videoing action, recording voice... Connect observations to the curriculum objectives, for example using Kindiedays.

Kindiedays Portfolio Learning

The process of pedagogical documentation is meaningful only, if you take advantage of the possibilities and challenges it offers. It is important to think how you can develop the activities. What themes, methods or goals should you choose next? What is your next step towards better early childhood education? (Tarkka 2018.)

Before documentation:

  • First of all, decide what type of learning portfolio you are making as it matters in which from the observations are. A digital one, paper copy...?
  • Have all the needed materials and tools ready for documenting! A camera, mobile phone, tablet, pen&paper...
  • Think of what are meaningful and current questions, issues or topics in the group? It is impossible to document Everything so narrow it down.
  • Once you have chosen a topic and method, start observing and documenting!

What type of activities develop multiple learning areas?

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Main ideas for activities should always come from children, but here we show two all time favorites for many children. The activities can easily be modified for your groups' interests. These activities can also evolve over time as children learn more or get interested from a different angle - maintain the activity in the schedule for couple of weeks or until children loose interest.

Activities that have room for children's creativity, ideas and continuous play create more opportunities to practise multiple learning areas.

Do not tidy up instantly but leave it and children will return to it with new ideas the next day. The activity will become a project and with systematic documentation you will notice what children have learnt over time!

Check out these two activities that have learning objectives based on the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education.

What is Finnish ECEC?


The idea behind Storycrafting is to give the opportunity to a child, young person or an adult to talk about their thoughts.

Simply, ask the child to tell a story. Write the storydown exactly as the child tells it. When you get to "the end", read the story aloud in case the child wants to edit some parts.

You can for example ask the child to tell a story a week and you will end up with a lovely story book. When the story is ready, you can draw pictures of different scenes or even make a play out of it! If the child gives a permission, you can read stories outloud to others too.


Verbal expression: I engage in verbal expression + I share thoughts and experiences

Artistic & Cultural expression: I am able to imagine and evoke mental images

5 tips: How to increase child participation?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Here are 5 examples of documentation methods that increase child participation:


Kindiedays pedagogical Portfolio is a purposeful collection of child's work that makes learning visible and illustrates progress. The child participates to the process of compiling the portfolio. Educator sits down with each child regularly to see which documents to add in the child’s individual portfolio and discusses about the child’s learning journey, experiences, wishes etc.

Day of Children

Children decide all the activities that happen during the ‘Day of Children’. Educators find out children’s views and wishes prior the day and organize the day accordingly. Educators document children’s wishes, and outcomes on the ‘Day of Children’ and plan future activities accordingly.


The Storycrafting method is suitable for everyone, and it is easy to use. The idea behind Storycrafting is to give the opportunity to a child to talk about own thoughts. During Storycrafting, the listener is truly interested and wants to listen to what the teller has to say in that moment. Child tells a story and educator writes it down from word to word as the child tells it. In case the child is not inspired, ask again next time. Aim is to find out child’s wishes, ideas, thoughts and experiences.

Say to a child (or a group of children or an adult):
”Please tell a story that you would like to tell.
I will write it down, just as you tell it.
When the story is finished, I will read it aloud.
At that point, you can correct the story or make changes, if you wish.”
(Riihelä 1991; Karlsson 2013)

When the story is ready, it can be shared with the group and child’s family and added to portfolio - with the child’s permission. Educator can use the gained knowledge in future planning.

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