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It is time to wrap up 2020 with some fun learning activities.
As New Year’s celebrations happen mostly at home this year, here are 5 family activities you can do with your children to keep little minds growing while welcoming 2021!
As we know, year 2020 has been full of unprecented news... Play news reporters with children and come up with some news together about an important event. Illustrate your story and save it for the future.
Tell or write a story about an important person in your life in 2020. Ask your child to do the same. Share your stories out loud and see if you can identify common characteristics. This is a nice way to have a conversation about all the important people in your lives.
Bring math into the kitchen and include the whole family when preparing dinner. Practice couting and measuring out ingredients. How many scoops does it take to make one cup? How many cups of flour is needed? How would you double the recipe?
Usually families thank teachers for the year, but year 2020 has been such that it surely goes both ways. Therefore, this Christmas it might be a good idea to give a ‘virtual hug’ to all families as a thank you for contribution as distance learning has been a mandatory trend all over the world.
Normally ‘thank you’ speeches and children’s lovable performances are presented at Christmas shows and such, but this year most parties are cancelled due to COVID-19. Therefore, here are some ideas how to let families know they are appreciated and how to share insight of the children’s learning journeys!
Social contacts are important to children. Children learn various skills when playing or interacting with other people and above all it is FUN to be with friends!
Maintaining social contacts and meeting friends is difficult during COVID-19 and distance learning. It is anyway important that children feel that they have friends and that they are liked – even when they cannot see their friends in person that often.
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Here are 10 tips how to maintain social contacts during restrictions and distance learning:
Distance learning doesn’t mean sitting in front of the computer all day. Read how the State of Illinois recommends teachers to plan activities for children aged 3-5 and what is the recommended screen time.
Activities for children need to be shared via online means. Short daily online gatherings are recommended to maintain the connection with the children, but learning activities themselves can be done offline with the family and with resources that can easily be found from home.
The following recommendations and guidelines for remote learning are presented by Illinois State board of Education as suggested minimum and maximum times of engagement by each student in remote learning activities.
Age and Minimum - Maximum times of screen time:
3-4 year olds: 20 - 60 minutes / day (3-5 minutes of Sustained Attention)
5 year olds: 30 - 90 minutes / day (3-5 minutes of Sustained Attention)
Teachers are also encouraged to give children additional, but optional home work, engagement opportunities, and enrichment opportunities (e.g. independent research projects). They emphasize that the home work should be optional.
Additional engagement is especially important for little learners, where it is not developmentally appropriate to expect a child to pay attention to tasks for a long period of time. Instead, children and families should be supported by having access to varied additional tasks and activities.
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Furthermore, children and families are encouraged to support academic skills and social-emotional health through activities that extend beyond assigned remote learning work.
30+ Suggestions for Additional Activities in different categories by the Illinois State Board of Education: