5 tips for families: How to keep children learning during COVID-19?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed routines of millions families around the world. Robert Jenkins, UNICEF’s Global Chief of Education, offers five tips to help keep children’s education on track while they’re staying home. Read full article from UNICEF.


5 tips for families: Learning at home

1. Plan a simple routine together

Try to establish an age-appropriate routine with play time and time for reading/story time in it. Use everyday activities as learning opportunities for the children. Make plans together with children when possible. (Even though routine is important and brings feeling of safety for children, keep in mind that some days flexibility might be needed – pay attention children’s needs and moods.)

"My hero is you" A free storybook to help understand COVID-19

Sunday, June 7, 2020

The scale and impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is difficult for adults to understand, yet alone for children. Usually children have questions and they are looking for answers, ways to understand what is happening, from adults.

“My hero is you”, is storybook developed for and by children. The story was shaped by more than 1,700 children, family members, caregivers and teachers who took the time to share how they are coping with the impact of COVID-19.

The story is designed to be read by a family member, caregiver or teacher alongside a child or a small group of children.

It offers a way for children and adults to think together about the questions the virus raises. The story is designed to be read by a family member, caregiver or teacher alongside a child or a small group of children.

5 tips: How to talk about COVID-19 with children?

The project was developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, and supported by global, regional and country based experts, in addition to families, caregivers, teachers and children in 104 countries.

You can download the storybook for free in 100 different languages from here!

Read our new Questions and Answers about Distance Learning.

PS Don't forget to join our webinar with CCE Finland June 17th at 3 PM Finnish

"Is early childhood education possible on line?"

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How to lead preschools and childcare centers in the new normal?

Thursday, June 4, 2020

No doubt the COVID-19 outbreak has changed the education landscape significantly and maybe permanently. Sending children home happened overnight without any warning and preplanning. After the first shock the school leaders have worked hard to establish a new normal by changing their working methods and utilizing digital means.

Now is the time to stop and think what to do next. Even if some countries have or are opening up, experts agree that the future is uncertain, and few believe in a fast return to the "normal".   So, conclusions should be made about what the change is all about and what should be done to go ahead:

How has corona affected on preschools in Finland? 10 notes from teachers

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Life in preschools has changed a lot due to corona. 300 Teachers from Finland shared their experience about how to work in emergency conditions. Original article in Helsingin Sanomat.

1. Inform families clearly

Corona obviously changes situations and policies, therefore informing about the current rules is very important. Collect all the information in one place so that families and staff knows where to find it. Focus on clear and direct messaging and make sure if some families miss the information, they can also get it later on.

Check how Kindiedays can help with collaboration and communication!

2. Forget about 'social distancing' with children

Social distancing and small children just do not go together. Teachers help the children to dress up, sneeze their noses and so on. Keeping distance is simply impossible.

3. Keep teaching the same group of children

As some children stay home, group sizes vary. Nevertheless, it is not smart to change teachers from group to another and carry germs all over the place. Ensure staff stays with the same group children and avoids new contacts.

How to document in early education?

Monday, May 25, 2020

Pedagogical Documentation is an essential working method in early childhood education and it guarantees  the best possible learning path for all children.

Simply, Pedagogical Documentation is observing for example children’s play, projects, discussions, ideas and inventions via taking photos, making notes, writing down explanations as well as tricky questions, saving artwork, videoing action, recording voice...and using all the documents purposefully. What makes documentation Pedagogical Documentation is the idea that educators use the documents wisely - reflect on them and modify their planning and teaching accordingly (Katz & Chard 1996.)

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