How to organize remote learning safely and for free?

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Use of new technology is a prerequisite to implement remote learning and to stay connected with the families.

Using the same secure technology both for in-class learning and remote learning enables a flexible transition from one method to the other whenever needed. This is a great advantage for children’s ongoing learning journey.

Whether the children learn in-class or at home, the teacher should offer all children equal opportunities to learn all the same things.

How Remote Learning with Kindiedays works?

Online sessions

  1. Teacher plans circle time / lessons / teacher-led activities as usual
  2. Teacher invites the children to the Online session by sending a Kindiedays event invitation to the family. Families can either join or decline.
  3. Teacher arranges the Online session via Zoom or Google Meet. The whole family is invited, or parents should at least stay close by to support their children.

Halloween Yoga for children

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Why not incorporate a flying ghost pose into your Halloween this year?

This time of the year children around the world are going to wear funny dresses and celebrate Halloween! The funniest event of the year can be even funnier when you practice real yoga poses with Jamie from Cosmic Kids.

Link to the Halloween Yoga video below and ideas how to make this Yoga Activity into a pedagogically meaningful one!

Every week, millions of kids do yoga and mindfulness sessions on Cosmic Kids’ video in class and at home. Cosmic Kids drives to make yoga and mindfulness fun - so they can enjoy the physical, mental and emotional benefits early. 

Physical, mental and emotional wellbeing surely is vital for children. The better children feel about themselves, the better they also learn, develop and keep going in their lives.

According to the Finnish National Core Curriculum for ECEC, children are naturally curious and eager to learn new things. Learning happens for example when children observe and examine their environment and as they imitate other people. Children should also get possibilities to challenge themselves a little so that learning does not get too boring. Yoga does both – gives children something new and fun to learn by imitating the teacher on the video, and it also challenges children physically.

Learn more about How children learn in Finland?

Start the journey of enhancing overall wellbeing by practicing yoga with this effective and funny Halloween Yoga video by Cosmic Kids. The video shows a wide variety of different (Halloween related) yoga poses for the children, and you, to follow.

You can make the yoga session into a meaningful activity by documenting it pedagogically. Observe how the children are doing and take a video or photo to show them how well they did!

Learn more about Pedagogical documentation...

Also, let children tell their personal opinions about the Halloween Yoga afterwards by answering to these questions:

How to write a useful Curriculum for the Center?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

“Curriculum is an organized framework that delineates the content children are to learn, the processes through which children achieve the identified curricular goals, what teachers do to help children achieve these goals, and the context in which teaching and learning occur.”  

- National Association for the Education of Young Children  (NAEYC)

Center's Curriculum consists of all the information related to the center in one tight package. Center Curriculum is a guideline for the staff in their everyday work, and it also tells a lot of you and your values to the families. Therefore, it is a nice idea to have your Center's Curriculum available for the families too.

It is very important to think how your center operates and what are the core values that everyone should know of. Writing down the curriculum with the staff unites your team and sets everyone on the same page.

When planning, arranging and developing early childhood education and care, the primary goal must always be the overall wellbeing of the children. Children’s interests, wishes and needs guide the teachers work forward.  

I  have prepared a list of questions that guide you when writing down your Center’s Curriculum. Think of the questions in detail, as thinking of the themes ahead makes it all easier when the situation hits you - for example a case when someone is bullied. When your team has a clear practice of how to deal with bullying, families trust your professionalism and most of all children feel secured, valued and happy.

Take a look at the themes to include in your Center’s Curriculum!

Group curriculum makes sense for everybody!

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Group curriculum has several important themes that help your planning process during COVID-19 times. During these times it is crucial for example to draw a backup plan for exceptional situations together with your team.

Group Curriculum is a tool to assess children's learning and overall educational work with your team and support the process of pedagogical planning.

Get your NEW Group Curriculum template from Kindiedays!

Group Curriculum is drafted in the beginning of the academic year, but it can and should be assessed and modified regularly with the staff. The Group Curriculum includes information about the specific children of the group, so each plan is valid only for one academic year.

Group curriculum should include information about the group's working methods, educators’ strengths and individual qualities of the children.

With your team, discuss for example the following areas:

  • Description of the group of children
  • Description of the educators and their strengths
  • Description of the educators’ duties and responsibilities
  • Learning areas that are available for the group

Customer Story: Kristi Stahl from Väike Päike, Estonia

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Väike Päike is a network that provides a wide range of services to children and their families in Estonia. Our organization includes nine daycare centers, two kindergartens and a hobby school. We welcome children aged 3 months to 9 years and we have around 750 children enrolled.

My name is Kristi Stahl and my main role in Väike Päike is public relations: I am responsible for external communication, writing articles, blog posts, communicating with parents and politicians, trying to participate in national legislation as a consultant etc.

My second role is to launch the virtual kindergarten platform for online learning and development, that we have been working for quite some time now. The Corona virus crisis made it clear that this kind of online platform for Estonian speaking children - made by Estonian kindergarten teachers - is essential for the new and changing world.

Our main idea in Väike Päike is that the foundation to success, happiness, emotional balance is laid in the early years before elementary school. A lot of children spend most of their awake time in childcare, it is essential that the teachers and nannies understand the importance of their role and use this responsibility consciously.

Corner stones of our curriculum are:

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