How do children learn to play?

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Play is the most important way of learning for children. Children practice and learn multiple skills during play, but how do children actually learn to play?

Stages of Play

Psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) studied play and found out that even babies play - but in a different way than 5-year-olds. According to Piaget, children engage in types of play that reflect the level of their cognitive development. The stages of play are: Functional play, Constructive play, Fantasy play, and Games with rules (Johnson, Christie & Wardle 2005).

  • ­Functional play
    • using bodily movements
    • playing with or without objects
    • running, jumping, sliding, gathering, dumping
    • manipulating or stacking objects
    • playing informal games without rules
  • ­Constructive play
    • using objects like blocks, Legos or other materials (sand, clay, paint, blocks, snow ) in an organized, goal-oriented manner to make something
  • ­Fantasy play
    • role playing or make-believe playing
    • pretending to be eg. a mother, superhero, dinosaur or Peppa Pig
    • make believe actions, such as driving a car by moving a pretend steering wheel or imagining a cardboard box as a castle
  • ­Games with rules
    • games with peers
    • games are controlled by pre-established rules
    • games such as tag or hide&seek

How can children learn by playing in Finland?

Which type of play is the most valuable one?

As children grow older, the way they play evolves. Piaget viewed the forms of play as progressive, beginning with functional play (a baby playing with a rattle) and later progressing to more complex games with rules.

Nevertheless, one of the stages of play remains important, even the child's cognitive skills would allow him/her to move to the next stage.

According to Francis Wardle (2015), PhD in child development and early education, early childhood educators continually have to justify the use of play in the curriculum. Often this justification is that play prepares children for later academic, social, and emotional successes (Leong & Bodrova 2015).

But, while constructive play teaches children to be flexible thinkers (Bruner 1972), and develops a sense of control and self-esteem by encouraging children to control their environment (Chaille 2008), Wardle believes the main value of constructive play is that it enables children to be children: to do what children need to do and want to do!

I believe the main value of constructive play is that it enables children to be children: to do what children need to do and want to do!

- Francis Wardle

Children love constructive play

Even research shows that when given a choice of free play activities, preschool children choose constructive play more than 50% of the time (Rubin, Fein, & Vandenberg 1983). Constructive play was also preschool children's favorite outdoor activity (Ihn 1998).

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Why is constructive play so important?

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Children should be encouraged and supported to fully enjoy, explore, and appreciate constructive play.

- Francis Wardle

The most important thing in encouraging constructive play for young children is to understand the value of this kind of play, says Francis Wardle, a Ph.D. in child development and early education.

How do children learn by playing in Finland?

During constructive play, children get to manipulate their environment with the tools and materials provided. And actually, providing inspiring materials is the key to promoting constructive play.

What is a good timing for constructive play?

Children should be encouraged and supported to fully enjoy and explore constructive play. Further, time for different types of play should be provided every day. Constructive play should be encouraged inside, in transition areas (for example porches or decks), and on the outdoor playground.


    According to Wardle (2015), changing materials from outdoors to indoors and from one area to the other inspires children for constructive play:

    Because constructive play is driven by children’s interactions with their environment (Chaille 2008), changing the environment encourages all sorts of constructive play. Adding new materials indoors is one way to increase constructive play indoors. Another tip is to swap materials across learning centers: the woodwork bench with the art area, the science and block area, the literacy area with the math - and so on. Finally, taking natural materials from outside and bringing them into the indoor classroom is a good way to increase interest in constructive play.

    Plan activities indoors and outdoors - get free lesson plans!


    Who doesn't like to splash in the water or dig deep in sand? Right! Water play areas and sandboxes encourage constructive play because sand and water are very flexible materials (Ihn 1998). A large garden also encourages a variety of constructive play, you can add traditional classroom materials like art easels to the garden.

    Children often need to be encouraged to use traditional classroom materials and equipment in new and innovative ways outside. Try for example painting on the sidewalk and building higher and bigger towers with blocks. In general, outdoor play is louder, takes up more space, uses more materials, and is messier than indoor play (Johnson, Christie & Wardle 2005).

    How to encourage constructive play?

    In order to get constructive play going, children need a variety of stimulating materials, for example:

    • ­ Blocks
    • ­ Puzzles
    • ­ Mosaic tiles and patterns
    • ­ Milk crates, boxes and other cubes
    • ­ Clean pieces of wood
    • ­ Sticks, stones, leaves, bark, and other natural materials
    • ­ Sand and sand toys
    • ­ Water and water toys
    • ­ Clay, play dough, and other modeling materials
    • ­ Paints, brushes and easels, chalk, crayons, stencils, drawing tools, and other art materials
    • ­ Wagons and tools to move sand, dirt, and other materials (Wardle 2000).

    How to create a good environment for playing?

    Wednesday, July 14, 2021

    Play. It’s the primary occupation of childhood and the single most significant contributor to healthy development in kids.

    - Claire Heffron (a pediatric occupational therapist in a preschool)

    As we know from Kindiedays's blog last week, children practice for example language development, motor development and cognitive development during play - skills they’ll need in order to grow into balanced adulthood.

    Threfore it is not insignificant where children practice all these skills. When designing an environment for playing, pay attention to the following aspects:

    1. Big / Small play environment

    Think of a Football Field vs. Tent and imagine how children play in those two environments... Running + screaming and creeping + giggling.

    The bigger the play space is, the more physical activity we see in children. Playing at a gym, football field or playground supports the development of gross motor skills.

    Children prefer dramatic play in smaller, enclosed spaces. Therefore, playing in a small room, tent or hut encourages children to practice social skills, imaginative play and interaction. 

    That is why the size of a play space has a significant impact on the way children play.

    2. The social environment

    When children feel comfortable, safe and well - they are able to focus more deeply in play. It also matters who and how many people is present in the play environment: teachers, friends, unknown people, parents, siblings...

    Children have been found to engage in more physical activity play when an adult is not present. The number of people present in the play space also has an influence on children’s play.  Research points to the fact that children tend to withdraw in extremely crowded settings.  

    - Claire Heffron

    3. The sensory environment

    All children have their own sensory preferences and needs. These preferences have an impact on play too. 

    Great materials that can be used in sensory play are for example: sand, water, instruments, play dough, strechy bands, beads and lights for visual play.

    Some questions by Claire Heffron to consider:

    "Have you only played today?"

    Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    Sometimes adults think they should prepare and plan tons of fancy activities for children every week. That is neat and probabaly enjoyable for children (and teachers) occassionally, but what truly is enjoyable for children is free play.

    Therefore, make sure to give children days that include mostly free play. It might feel dull or lazy to let children 'just' play, but oh boy - it is not that. Play is actually the best thing you can offer children.

    Play has so many positive sides to it, that I even made a rainbow poster out of it!

    (This poster idea is commonly used on Finnish early childhood education and here you can see Finnish versions of it.)

    During play children get to experience, practise and learn:

    • joy
    • friendship
    • communication skills
    • language skills
    • gender roles
    • identity
    • self control
    • independency
    • equality
    • observation skills
    • focusing
    • thinking
    • creativity
    • planning
    • rules and norms
    • safety
    • empathy
    • emotional skills
    • flexibility
    • creativity
    • sensory experiences
    • body awareness
    • motor skills
    • frustration

    Can you come up with some more?

    During free play adults do not need to feel useless though.

    Is quality childcare inaccessible?

    Wednesday, June 23, 2021

    "NO!" says Kindiedays, but read what the reality is from a new report by UNICEF.  Where Do Rich Countries Stand on Childcare? ranks the accessibility, affordability and quality of childcare for children between birth and school age. This article is based on the UNICEF's publication by Anna Gromada and Dominic Richardson.

    Affordable, quality childcare is inaccessible even in many of the world’s wealthiest countries, UNICEF said in a new report released on 18th June 2021. Finland, Iceland, Latvia, New Zealand and Denmark have the highest quality of childcare and best practices from these countries can be applied and adapted everywhere.

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    “To give children the best start in life, we need to help parents build the nurturing and loving environment that is so critical to children’s learning, emotional well-being and social development,” said Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director. “Government investment in family-friendly policies, including childcare, ensures parents have the necessary time, resources and services they need to support their children at every stage of their development.”

    Guarantee holistic learning for the whole center

    Childcare should provide affection, protection, stimulation and nutrition and enable children to develop social, emotional and cognitive skills. These goals can be achieved through high-quality childcare both within and outside the family.

    Rather than viewing one form of care as inherently better for children, the report looks at the policy mix and the scope of choice offered to parents who decide to stay with their children, as well as those who decide to use organized care.

    Childcare should provide affection, protection, stimulation and nutrition and enable children to develop social, emotional and cognitive skills. These goals can be achieved through high-quality childcare.

    Family care is stressful for many parents

    Even if family care is a positive experience for most children, it can weigh heavily on caregivers, especially if they are experiencing a time or financial crunch. For many parents, their childhood experiences, mental health and well-being will affect their parenting ability; and successful parenting will become a learnt, not inherent, skill. Caring for a child can be one of life’s most gratifying experiences. Still, without adequate support, parents can become stressed, exhausted and forced to make excessive sacrifices in their education, employment and social life. The next section looks at the informal and formal childcare that can support them.

    When parental leave ends, some children attend organized childcare in kindergartens, preschools and other early education centers. It can relieve fatigued parents and enable them to return to work or attain a balance between paid work, self-care and caring for others (Brilli et al., 2016). Such care, if of high quality, benefits children by fostering cognitive and social-emotional skills. Interactions with other children support children’s social, emotional and behavioural development, giving them skills they can use in school and in their lives outside school.

    Such care, if of high quality, benefits children by fostering cognitive and social-emotional skills. Interactions with other children support children’s social, emotional and behavioural development, giving them skills they can use in school and in their lives outside school.

    Which children benefit from early education?

    Early education and care may be especially beneficial in preventing children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and children whose parents left education early, from falling behind their peers in cognitive development in the early years (Heckman and Raut, 2016). In this way, access to early caring and educational experiences outside the home can have an equalizing effect on children’s development and life chances. The main challenge is to ensure that childcare is accessible, affordable, equitable and high quality.

    Due to the lack of comparable data, the quality of childcare is measured in this report through the inputs, such as children-to-staff ratio and caregivers’ qualifications. Low ratios and small groups enable every child to get enough attention from the caregiver, which enhances their safety and development.

    Results do show that parents are more satisfied with childcare in countries with affordable prices. Enrolment follows both affordability and good opinion of care services.

    Goal-oriented teachers' self assessment secures quality

    Which countries offer quality childcare?

    Luxembourg, Iceland and Sweden occupy the top places; the best performers manage to combine affordability with quality of organized childcare. They also offer generous leave to both mothers and fathers, giving parents choice how to take care of their children.

    However, no country is a leader on all four fronts suggesting that there is room for improvement everywhere, even among the more family-friendly countries.

    Slovakia, the United States, and Cyprus occupy the bottom places. Weak investments in parental leave and childcare appear to indicate that childcare is seen more as a private rather than a public responsibility.

    Iceland, Latvia, New Zealand, Finland and Denmark have the highest quality of childcare. Denmark, Finland and New Zealand combine a low children-to-staff ratio with high qualifications of caregivers to ensure that children get sufficient attention from trained personnel.

    What is Finnish ECEC?

    Early education during COVID-19 pandemic

    Even before COVID-19, some of the world’s richest countries were failing to offer comprehensive childcare solutions to all families. In some instances, this reflected their policy priorities rather than available resources.

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