Are you prepared for the New Education Policy requirements?

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Government has given prime importance to Early Childhood Education. This will no doubt raise the bar for quality education across the whole market.

  1. The curriculums and pedagogical approaches are renewed significantly:
  • Play-, activity- and inquiry-based pedagogy is in focus.
  • Learning objectives guide activity planning and implementation.
  • Assessment will shift to examining the learning process.
  1. Parents need to be empowered
  • Parents have a significant role in the child’s learning.
  • Ways for them to participate and take responsibility need to be developed.
  1. Preschools and childcare centers face increased competition
  • The renewal underlines achievement and accountability of prescribed curricular standards.
  • Parents ask for proof of the children’s learning and want to see Return on Investment.

New competences and new working methods are now required to achieve the desired outcomes in the preschool. Use of new technology is also a prerequisite to make the change successful.


The whole learning process need to be revisited to support holistic learning:

"If you want the truth, ask a child"

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

In the beginning of the new year it is good to take a second and go back to the basics. What is important to remember when working in the field of Early Childhood Education?

Early childhood is defined as the period from birth to compulsory primary school age, which varies across countries. It is time of remarkable growth and important milestones in brain development. During this stage, children are highly influenced by the environment and the people that surround them. (Unesco 2020)

What is early childhood care and education?

Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is much more than preparation for primary school. ECCE aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills in order to build a stable and broad foundation for lifelong learning and overall wellbeing. ECCE has the possibility to educate caring, capable and responsible future citizens. (Unesco 2020)

Early childhood care and education means all forms of education for children under school-age. The guardians of the child decide whether or not their child participates in organized care or if they take care of their child at home.

There are public and private childcare centers. Some childcare centers follow a certain pedagogy (eg. Reggio Emilia, Steiner, Montessori) or have emphasis on a certain topic (eg. science, art, music). Some childcare centers are large while others very small. Despite the size or emphasis, each center is unique and has their own working culture that is formed by the manager and staff.

What is Finnish Early Childhood Education?

How and why are children divided in groups?

It is easier for most children to act, play, focus and learn when they can spend time in smaller groups. The groups of children in ECCE centers may be formed in different ways, for example, according to the age of children, sibling's relationships or needs for support. The groups must be pedagogically appropriate, and provisions on staffing and maximum group sizes must be considered when forming the groups.

What is a curriculum?

The local curriculum for early childhood education and care obligates to assess, renew and develop the culture of ECCE. When the working and operating methods are evaluated it is essential to consider how they will best support children’s growth, development and learning. The starting point for all decisions happening in the child care center, must connect with the goals of the local curriculum. It is also always important to consider the child’s best interests. (Finnish National Agency for Education 2020)

It is beneficial for learning if each child has an individual curriculum. When assessing a child's individual early childhood education and care plan, the focus should be targeted on how the activities are arranged and how pedagogy is implemented. The child’s individual curriculum should be completed in the beginning of the new school year and evaluated together with the guardians at least once a term. (Finnish National Agency for Education 2020).

Three new ways children learn together with Kindiedays

Tuesday, January 5, 2021
We at Kindiedays have been listening carefully to early childhood educators' challenges, dreams and wishes during the pandemic. Based on your needs we have come up with new solutions for early childhood education centers.

We want to support businesses to stay open and more importantly - we want to hold on to children's right to play and learn (whether in-class or in distance).

Please take a look at Kindiedays Solutions and see which one fits your situation best

Blended learning


Stay open and provide either in-class or distance learning seamlessly.
Preschool should offer children opportunities to learn all the same things whether the children learn in-class or in distance.

Use of new technology is a prerequisite to implement blended learning and to stay connected with the families. Using the same technology also in-class enables a flexible transition between the two.

Kindiedays Blended Learning provides the opportunity for a holistic education – in-class or in distance. You can follow children’s learning, even when they learn at home, by documenting children’s learning according to the curriculum’s learning objectives.

Once the restrictions are lifted, you can flexibly switch back to in-class learning. Also, a mix – some children in-class and some in-distance - is possible.

Learn more about Kindiedays Blended Learning Solution

Portfolio based learning


Let children’s learning (and documenting their learning journey) be in the spotlight! Add your center’s curriculum and start following children’s progress according to the learning objectives.

All learning documents will be automatically compiled in a digital Portfolio. Engage families by sharing individual learning moments or the entire year’s Portfolio with them.
Assess children’s learning with automatic learning statistics and let the assessments guide your planning and teaching.

Observations of the children's growth provide an individual, accurate picture of the child's learning. The child's portfolio and learning statistics guarantee a high level of quality in the center.

Remote learning


Provide distance learning for children who stay at home - with free and safe Kindiedays Remote Learning Solution.

Use of new technology is a prerequisite to implement remote learning and to stay connected with the families.

Kindiedays supports a new way of working between educators, children and families and meets the urgent and primary needs to support children's learning also during lockdown.

Let's discuss more about your needs in a Free Consultative Call with our expert!

Family fun activities

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

It is time to wrap up 2020 with some fun learning activities.

As New Year’s celebrations happen mostly at home this year, here are 5 family activities you can do with your children to keep little minds growing while welcoming 2021!

1. Play News Reporters

As we know, year 2020 has been full of unprecented news... Play news reporters with children and come up with some news together about an important event. Illustrate your story and save it for the future.

2. Important Person in 2020

Tell or write a story about an important person in your life in 2020. Ask your child to do the same. Share your stories out loud and see if you can identify common characteristics. This is a nice way to have a conversation about all the important people in your lives.

3. Get Cooking, last dinner or chocolate cake of 2020!

Bring math into the kitchen and include the whole family when preparing dinner. Practice couting and measuring out ingredients. How many scoops does it take to make one cup? How many cups of flour is needed? How would you double the recipe?

How to thank families for the year?

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Usually families thank teachers for the year, but year 2020 has been such that it surely goes both ways. Therefore, this Christmas it might be a good idea to give a ‘virtual hug’ to all families as a thank you for contribution as distance learning has been a mandatory trend all over the world.

Normally ‘thank you’ speeches and children’s lovable performances are presented at Christmas shows and such, but this year most parties are cancelled due to COVID-19. Therefore, here are some ideas how to let families know they are appreciated and how to share insight of the children’s learning journeys!

  • Digital portfolio: Compile each child’s developmental milestones in a digital portfolio and share it with the family. It surely melts hearts to see how much their little one has learned during the past term!

  • Dance or song: If possible, film a dance performance or record a song with the children and share it to all families digitally!
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