How to create and use reports and statistics that matter?

Monday, May 9, 2022

In last week's blog, we discussed how to make observations and collect data on children's learning moments and consistently collect the information into a superior child's portfolio. This week we will look into how this valuable data can be used to secure the quality of the preschool.

With the help of holistic reports and statistics, you can reveal a lot of children's learning and your center's way of tackling the curriculum!

With Kindiedays reports you can:

  • illustrate children's progress
  • see the individual child's progress in the curriculum’s learning objectives
  • review statistics on how efficiently the curriculum has been applied
  • guarantee that all the learning areas are in balance
  • identify possible needs for learning
  • plan future learning
  • guarantee holistic learning in the center

Now you can show evidence of learning to parents as well as provide a competitive and profitable pedagogical service.

Learn which reports matter, but have not had the time and tools to create and utilize.

How to create a superior portfolio?

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Portfolio and pedagogical documentation go hand in hand. Both focus on making the child's learning visible and enabling professional formative assessment of playful learning.

A portfolio is a compilation of various documents that show progress on the learning goals that are defined in the curriculum.

Pedagogical documentation aims to capture meaningful learning moments. Educators should then use these documents to modify their planning so that children learn even better.

Pedagogical documentation is an essential working method in early childhood education and it guarantees the best possible learning path for children. All valuable documents can be saved in a child's personal portfolio. But what type of documents should the portfolio include?

Documentation is observing for example children’s play, projects, discussions, ideas, and inventions via taking photos, making notes, writing down explanations as well as tricky questions, saving artwork, videoing action, recording voice... 

Kindiedays Portfolio Learning

Follow a consistent process throughout the year

6 tips to restart your preschool

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

After the pandemic and lockdowns, many preschools feel the pain to get up to speed again. The previous working methods seem outdated. A fresh start is needed, but the task is overwhelming and time is scarce. You need a systematic approach to get a lift for your teacher, children, and parents.

Take some time with your team to define or review your goals, values, and teaching methods in written form...

1. Learning goals & guidelines

This is an important, theoretical part of the curriculum. Pay attention to the quality of research you use and also to the accuracy of learning goals. Keep in mind that it is not necessary for children to accomplish a set of learning goals in a specific order, but at their own individual pace as we all are unique learners. Discuss these topics:

  • Key elements of the national early learning standards
  • Relevant and up-to-date research on childhood development
  • Learning goals for children in each learning area
  • Description of the group of children (needs, strengths, interests...)
  • Introduction of the educators

2. Values, ethos & teaching

As much as children learn from teachers, teachers learn from children. In this section of the curriculum, discuss the values and ethos of your preschool or early learning center. Open up how you communicate with the children and families, what type of behavior and cooperation you value, how you plan the activities, and what drives your work community.

For example, Finland's National Core curriculum for ECEC defines values as follows:

  • The intrinsic value of childhood
  • Growth as a human being
  • Rights of the child
  • Equity, equality, and diversity
  • Diversity of families
  • Healthy and sustainable way of living.

Discuss and define the values that you stand behind and list them clearly in your curriculum along with the other important framework:

  • Underlying values, ethos
  • Communication styles with children and families
  • Teaching styles
  • Planning of activities

3. Learning environments

Imagine yourself as a child and look at the classroom from different perspectives: What can the child see and reach?

How to meet parents' demand - Part 2

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

In Finland, children learn through play and we don't score children! So how can the parents be sure that their child is developing and learning, while also having fun? Parents want to be engaged and confident that the preschool provides high-quality education. But the daily face-to-face meetings between educators and parents are so hectic. There is simply so little time and so much to tell and discuss concerning the child's learning journey.  A better approach is needed.

How to go forward?

Planning and pedagogical documentation are the basis for high-quality education. A consistent learning process throughout the year is required as the foundation for engaging the parents and making the child's learning journey visible to them.

Lack of time is a challenge in childcare centers all over the world and therefore digital solutions help a lot with daily collaboration. With a digital solution such as Kindiedays Pedagogical Management Solution, you can share the child's learning journey both in real-time and in the form of automatically collected portfolios and reports. No need to hassle with pen and paper anymore. Educators save time and families find all the important information in one place.

With the learning process and foundation in place, you can offer the parents superior ways to stay engaged and confident.

Promise this to the parents to gain their confidence in your preschool!

How to meet parents' demand - Part 1

Monday, April 11, 2022

Most modern education policies and curriculums prescribe parent engagement as one of the cornerstones of education and care. Parents today request to know what is happening during the day and to learn how the child is developing. The daily face-to-face meetings between educators and parents are very important but too hectic. There is simply so little time and so much to tell and discuss.  A better approach is needed.

Why is it important?

Co-operating with a child's family is one of the most important matters in early childhood education. Parents know their child best, therefore their input, knowledge, and views concerning their child are crucial. Parents want to engage in the child's learning. See evidence of learning and be sure their child is developing well. Parents also want to handle all the daily practicalities in a smooth and efficient way. Both educators and the family are interested in the best of the child, so you are in the same boat.

How to go forward?

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