How much sedentary screen time is ok for children under 5-year-olds?

Monday, April 15, 2024

The lack of physical activity is a high-risk factor in terms of health. Physical inactivity is connected to global mortality rates and overweight.

In early childhood, children learn and develop rapidly. Early childhood is a period during which children form their lifestyle habits. A child's day is filled with many different types of activities, and the most important thing is that all those different aspects are in balance: eating habits, physical activity, time of sitting/restraint, screen time, rest, and sleep.

World Health Organization (WHO)has made a guide (Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age) that helps parents as well as early childhood professionals to implement little children's days properly between different actions. The guide is for children under 5 years of age. The guide aims to give guidance how many hours per day children should spend being physically active or sleeping for their health and well-being, and the maximum recommended time these children should spend on screen-based sedentary activities or time sitting/restrained.

How to support children's mental health?

Recommendations at a glance by WHO:

Infants (less than 1 year) should:

  • Be physically active many times a day in many different ways, particularly through interactive floor-based play - the more the better.
  • For those not mobile yet, this includes at least 30 minutes of tummy time spread throughout the day while awake.
  • Not be sitting/restrained for more than 1 hour at a time (e.g. pram/stroller, high chair, car seat, baby carrier). Screen time is 0 hours as it is not recommended. When sedentary, engaging in reading and storytelling with a caregiver is encouraged.
  • Have 12–17 hours of good quality sleep, including naps.

Children 1-2 years of age should:

Learning Area: Exploring and Interacting with My Environment.

Monday, April 15, 2024

In the blog on April 4th, we discussed the purpose and structure of a curriculum. Our journey taking a look at all the learning areas of early childhood education goes forward! This week we focus on the fourth area, Exploring and interacting with my environment.

This learning area is important for children's development as it gives children various tools for thinking and operating in our environment. The learning area "Exploring and interacting in my environment" includes also specific learning objectives that are listed below. It makes it easier for educators to plan activities when the specific learning objectives are listed clearly.

Exploring and interacting with my environment

This learning area focuses on mathematical thinking, technology, nature, and the environment. Children are encouraged to analyze, think, and apply their knowledge. These are important skills in today's world and those skills are enhanced through playful exploration and experimentation. Children are encouraged to be curious, ask questions, look for answers, and make conclusions together in a team. Of course, children do this also spontaneously and it is part of their development, sometimes it seems that children's questions are never-ending and super tricky!

Learning Area: Me and My Community

Saturday, April 13, 2024

In the blog on April 4th, we discussed the purpose and structure of a curriculum. Today we focus on the third one, Me and my community!

Find out why this learning area is important for children's development and what learning objectives are included in this learning area.

As a surprise gift, you will get one free lesson plan that includes an activity based on experimental learning. The activity is planned by Kindiedays lesson plan expert Stella Giota to match this learning area's objectives.

Learning about diversity and equality

Starting early childhood education is a big change for small children. Earlier in their life children have mostly been around familiar people and familiar traditions, but in preschool/kindergarten, children meet many new people and learn many new ways of doing things.

Therefore, according to Helsinki city curriculum, the purpose of ECEC is to develop the children’s abilities in understanding the diversity of their community and practice being a member of the community.

The world where we live is very rich, diverse, and multifarious. Children must learn to respect all cultures, heritages, diversities, abilities, and genders. All people are equal no matter what.

Me and my community learning area prepares children to act in their communities with diverse people. It also helps children to understand how their community has been in the past, and what it is going to look like in the future. Children can also ponder what kind of actions are good for our community and the world we live in. Also, media education and ethical thinking are part of this important learning area.

Learning Area: Diverse Forms of Expression

Friday, April 12, 2024

In the blog on April 4th, we discussed the purpose and structure of a curriculum. Today we focus on the second learning area, Diverse forms of expression! In this post, you will find out why this learning area is important for children's development and what learning objectives are included in this learning area.

As a surprise gift, you will get one free lesson plan that includes an activity based on experimental learning. The activity is planned by Kindiedays lesson plan expert Stella Giota to match this learning area's objectives.

Freedom of expressing oneself

Learning Area: Rich World of Languages

Thursday, April 11, 2024

In the blog on April 4th, we discussed the purpose and structure of a curriculum. Now it is time to take a look at all the learning areas one by one. The first one is Rich World of Languages! In this post, you will find out why this learning area is important for children's development and what learning objectives are included in this learning area.

As a surprise gift, you will get one free lesson plan that includes an activity based on experimental learning. The activity is planned by Kindiedays lesson plan expert Stella Giota to match this learning area's objectives.

Children learn more and more about language all the time, but at the same time, it is also a vital tool for interaction, self-expression, and participation. Even when the language is not yet fully developed, children can interact in many other ways! The most important skills for linguistic development are interaction, understanding, speaking, extending vocabulary, and using language

The purpose of early childhood education is to strengthen children’s language skills by offering interesting activities related to the theme. Educators should give positive, encouraging feedback to children about their language skills (and for trying) regularly.

Children develop at their individual pace

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