How to make a strong start for your preschool in 2023?

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

When the year changes, it is good to stop and evaluate what has happened and what should be done next.

Early childhood education should be the start of lifelong learning. But educators are tied up with old ways of working. They cannot be the champions they deserve to be. Parents feel locked out from their child's learning journey. Many childcare centers are also in a competitive market and want to provide the best education and care. A major change is required to respond to the need for quality education.

You must take the lead and make it happen in your preschool!

A successful ECEC center has 3 guiding principles:

  • Support children's learning
  • Engage families
  • Secure success for the preschool

You should reimagine how the goals can be achieved by working smarter - not harder - and with the help of new technology.

It is actually straightforward

Happy New Year with brand new lesson plans

Monday, December 19, 2022


Kindiedays would like to take this time to thank you for all your support in making Early Childhood Education matter! Thank you for your cooperation in 2022. 

Included is a sneak peek into our new experiential learning-based Lesson Plan Package that’s coming out at the beginning of 2023. Let us make great things happen together also in the future!

Click HERE to get your free sneak peek!

Best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year from our team to yours,

Team Kindiedays

Milestones in language development

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Prerequisite for developing language skills, is human interaction. Child can only learn to talk and communicate with others by practicing it with an adult. Children are interested in communicating from very young age on. It is crucial that an adult systematically responds to the child's initiatives, whether it is crying, laughing or babbling.

Adult can support child's communication skills by being interested in the child's thoughts, discussing, listening and focusing on the child. Singing, reading, talking, rhyming, playing board games and joking make language skills stronger.

Milestones in language development

6 months old

The child starts to babble and use syllables, like ma-ma and pa-pa. These syllables make the child's first words later on. Learns to use many different syllables when practicing babbling and making sounds.

9 months old

The child starts to react to his own name. He enjoys it when someone tells him the names of different items in the house for example. Learns to point at things that interest him. Learns to use also other gestures, expressions, and movements (such as waving for bye-bye) and that they are an important part of communication. Likes to play linguistic games with adults.

TIPS to support language development with 0-1 year olds

  • Use clear, bright colors (black, white, red, yellow) to raise the child's attention
  • Play give-take games
  • Look at picture books and discuss what you see
  • Imitate the child's facial expressions and sounds
  • Rhyme, sing
  • Encourage to communicate

1 year old

The child says the first words around her first birthday. Words can be a little "off" and that is fine if they do not sound exactly how they should. The main point is that the child is trying and learning! Play is short-term and concentrates on exploring the world around her.

2 year old

Is learning to understand the world. Asks many "what" questions. Knows many words and keeps on building up his vocabulary rapidly. Can follow familiar guidelines. Can play short-time role play. Some can speak with short sentences, at least two words in a row "take apple". A child can make up his own words and it is normal.

TIPS to support language development with 1-2 year olds

  • Use real words (no 'babytalk')
  • Encourage them to communicate and talk
  • Play hide and seek
  • Practice taking turns
  • Read simple stories that have repetition

3 year old

Is a talented speaker already. Usually, parents/guardians understand everything he says and can 'translate' to others if needed. He might repeat certain syllables as "ba-ba-ball" and it is normal. He can tell about his day. Understands adult conversations, but some misunderstandings occur still. Asks many "why" questions. Can play role-play along with peers.

    4 year old

    Enjoys talking and listening to others. She makes up poems and rhymes and listens to stories with interest. Imagination is vivid and play can go on for hours. Usually, speech is understandable and clear, but a couple of sounds might be missing. Can play with peers and children communicate during play about what is happening next.

    TIPS to support language development with 3-4 year olds

    • Don't correct the child's talk, but repeat the word in a correct form
    • Read storybooks suitable for the child's age
    • Play games that include language
    • Play board games (memory games, puzzles, sorting)
    • Sing, rhyme and use gestures and finger play
    • Listen to sounds outside and talk about what you hear

    5 year old

    Language skills have developed and worked as a "tool" in daily life. Is interested in letters and numbers. He plays with words and practices many skills that are needed in school. Is interested in drawing, coloring, and construction.

    6 year old

    Knows letters and can write his own name. Can listen to long stories and enjoys making jokes. May recognize written words in the surroundings. Children in Finland attend preschool at the age of 6.

    Support language development with Kindiedays Lesson Plans

    Why is early identification of language problems important?

    Thursday, December 8, 2022

    Children learn and develop so rapidly in their early years that it is incredible! At times, children may anyway have some delays in development that are better to check out - the earlier the better.

    A developmental delay means that a child has not reached the developmental stages or skills that most children of the same age have. Children can have developmental delays in several areas, but language and speech problems are the common types.

    A child's speaking skills and understanding of speech develop only in interaction with other people. It changes a lot between individuals when a child says his/her first word and how fast the child's vocabulary grows. There are checklists and ways to assess children's language development, and here we take a look at one of the assessment tools.

    See the Infant-Toddler Checklist to identify language delays

      Early intervention has a greater impact

      There is scientific evidence that intervention starting during infancy or preschool age has a greater impact on outcomes for children and families than providing special education only at school age. So, the earlier children get their language problems identified and special education organized, the better.

      Language development is one of the most critical school readiness skills. A child’s capacity to talk and the scope of their vocabulary when they enter kindergarten are predictive of success in school.

      Children with language problems in preschool are likely to face poor educational achievement at school age. They also have a bigger risk to develop emotional and behavioral disorders. Having a delay in language development in childhood might still affect a person's life in adulthood, by making social interaction, studying and good performance in work life more difficult.

      When should a child get a referral to speech therapy or another professional?

      A toddler may have language delay if she/he:

      • does not babble by 7 months
      • does not react to speech or never looks at the person talking to him/her
      • does not understand speech by 18 months
      • does not talk at all at 2 years
      • speech is very unclear (the closest people do not understand)
      • is not interested in the surroundings
      • does not use facial expressions or gestures in self-expression
      • the child clearly prefers soft baby food over rough food

      An older child might have a language delay if he/she:

      • does not understand given instructions
      • cannot concentrate on guided activities
      • has aggressive behavior daily
      • cannot get into play with peers
      • speech is unclear and missing many sounds
      • speaks only very little, or cannot express him/herself how would like to
      • learning to write or read at school age is very slow despite teacher's support

      About the Checklist

      The Infant-Toddler Checklist is the first step in routine developmental screening for children aged 6 to 24 months to decide if a further evaluation is needed. It is designed for use in pediatricians’ offices during check-ups, routine visits, in childcare centers, or in other facilities serving infants and toddlers and their families.

      How to support child's communication skills?

      Wednesday, November 30, 2022

      Language development is an important part of child development. Language development starts very early on, first with sounds and gestures, and later on with words and sentences.

      Language development supports many other aspects of development, for example child’s ability to:

      • communicate
      • express feelings
      • understand feelings
      • think, imagine
      • learn
      • solve problems
      • develop and maintain friendships/relationships
      • read
      • write

      How to support language development?

      Language development can be supported by talking a lot with the child, starting from infancy. No baby is too little for cuddly words, little rhymes, and sweet talk.

      Responding when a child communicates also supports the child's communication skills and taking turns in talking/babbling gives the child a turn to react and a feeling that his contribution has meaning!

      Also, reading books and storytelling is good for language development and imagination.

      Sometimes, a child's communication skills do not develop as expected and then it might be a case of developmental delay, language disorder, or speech disorder. The earlier any language development challenges are found, the better it is for the child's performance in school.

      What kind of learning environment supports language development?

      The environment has the greatest potential to influence the child’s developing brain during a child’s first few years of life.

      Early experiences affect brain structure because the brain operates on a “use it or lose it” principle. If a child does not have adequate emotional, physical, cognitive, and language stimulation, neurons can be lost permanently.

      The learning environment, which for many children is the early learning center/classroom, affects greatly children's language development. The physical environment, available activities as well as the culture how language is used, and how people communicate with each other can either support or diminish children's interest and opportunities in language learning.

      Communication Checklist

      A better communication research program in the UK produced a Communication Supporting Classroom Observation Tool in 2012. The tool is designed to profile the oral language environment of the classroom in the early years.

      By observing the language used in the classroom, you can find valuable information and get practical tips on how to improve the setting in order to support language development.

      The observation tool includes points like:

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