Theme-based lesson plans: TRANSPORTATION

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Transportation is an essential part of the world around us. Learning about different forms of transportation, such as cars, buses, trains, planes, boats, and bicycles, can help children understand how people and different things move from one place to another.

Read further and get a free lesson plan sample from Kindiedays! The theme naturally is Transportation.

The aim of these activities is to engage children in interactive learning experiences
that foster their understanding of transportation, spark their creativity, and
encourage critical thinking.

Example of a learning project related to cars

What themes interest children?

Lesson focus and goals

Theme-based lesson plans: SEASONS AND WEATHER

Monday, September 11, 2023

Seasons and weather is an interesting topic to investigate with children. You can for example organize trips with the children at the kindergarten and observe the changes in weather and nature around the year.

Inspiring and educating Rainbow activities for children

There are two types of trips you might take the children to routine trips and field trips.

Routine trips can take place weekly and may include going for a walk around the block or a visit to the nearby forest. Field trips are one-time events and may include a trip for example to the museum.

Enhancing Your Preschool's Competitiveness with Kindiedays Pedagogical Solutions

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

My name is Milla van der Burgh and I am the CEO and co-founder of Kindiedays. I am excited to introduce our innovative pedagogical solutions to you. Kindiedays can help your preschool not only overcome challenges in the competitive market but also stand out as a leader in early childhood education. In this brief, I will outline the unique benefits of Kindiedays solutions and how they can transform your preschool's educational approach.

I am an Early Education Specialist from Finland with 10+ years of experience as a teacher and a manager since 2008. I’m passionate about the importance of experiential learning and child-centered, high-quality pedagogy in early education. I’m also a CEO and cofounder of Kindiedays providing solutions to support quality early childhood education. Through global cooperation in the preschool field over the past 6 years, I have been privileged to gather knowledge about early education around the world and support preschools to improve their services.

Current Challenges in the Competitive Market

In today's competitive educational landscape, preschools in India are faced with various challenges such as:

  • Differentiation: It's becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate your preschool from others and highlight your unique offerings to parents. 
  • Quality Education: Parents want to stay informed about their child's daily activities and development progress, but the existing methods fall short of providing real-time updates and personalized insights.
  • Educator Competence: Well-trained and skilled educators are pivotal for delivering effective early childhood education yet enhancing their competencies can be a challenge.

Standing Out with Kindiedays Solutions

Kindiedays offers innovative preschool solutions that address these challenges head-on. Our solutions are designed to streamline communication, enhance transparency, and provide a holistic approach to playful early childhood education.

What is the Group's Learning Plan?

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Children learn by playing in solitary, in parallel, and in a group.

Playing is the underpinning theme in the Finnish curriculum for early childhood education and care. In ECEC, children get to play every day. They play solitary, in parallel, and in a group. An operating culture that encourages children to play recognizes its significance to children’s well-being and learning. Playing is the main channel through which children express their emotions and an important source of well-being.

Initially, playing is about contact and interaction between an adult and a child. After this, the child begins to show interest in the surrounding world, and playing is targeted at objects and their purposes. During these early stages of play, playing is usually solitary or parallel. Solitary and parallel play gradually change into collaborative play, allowing children to develop interaction and different roles within a group.

The community encourages everyone to be resourceful, use their imagination, express themselves and be creative. Playing allows children to interact with one another. The staff help children join and ensure that all the children are able to be active participants in their peer groups.

What is the role of the Group's Learning Plan?

In the previous two blog posts, we discussed the whole Center's Curriculum and then the Child's Learning Plan. The Group's Learning Plan complements these to strengthen the group level. The Group's Learning Plan has several important themes that help your planning process. 

The Group's Learning Plan is a tool to support the process of pedagogical planning and to assess children's learning and overall educational work with the group and with your team.

Download the Group Learning Plan template from Kindiedays!

The Group's Learning Plan is drafted at the beginning of the academic year, but it can and should be assessed and modified regularly with the staff. The Group's Learning Plan includes information about the specific children of the group, so each plan is valid only for one academic year.

The Group's Learning Plan should include information about the group's working methods, educators’ strengths, and the individual qualities of the children.

With your team, discuss the following areas:

How to create a child's individual learning plan?

Thursday, August 24, 2023

According to the Finnish Act on Early Childhood Education and Care, every child has the right to receive education and care that is systematic and goal-oriented.

In order to achieve this, an individual learning plan is created for every child together with the child and their guardians. These plans include goals that are set together and promote the systematic care and education provided for the child. Read more: What is Finnish ECEC?

How is the child's individual plan created?

A child’s teacher is responsible for creating and evaluating the child’s individual learning plan. This is a process and involves several steps. In addition to a discussion and the writing process, the creation of a plan includes an assessment and observation of the child’s strengths, needs, and views, as well as an evaluation of the child’s previous plan. All staff members working with the children take part in the process, and the creation, observations, documentation, and evaluation are conducted multi-professionally.

The plan is based on the child’s strengths and interests, as well as on their best interest and needs. The pedagogical goals and measures, and any support measures and their implementation, are recorded in the plan. The linguistic and cultural background and linguistic skills and abilities of a child who speaks a foreign language or is bilingual are factored in when creating their individual plan. The child’s cultural and religious background will also be considered when creating the plan.

This is how the City of Helsinki plans the child's individual learning:

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