Kindiedays Pro is launched!

Thursday, November 30, 2023

In a dynamic educational landscape, staying competitive is crucial. We understand the challenges you and your educators face in providing the best learning environment for young minds and at the same time showing evidence of learning to the families. 

But what if 6 months from now......

In the heart of your preschool, laughter echoes through vibrant classrooms:

🥰 Children, excited and curious, engage in playful learning activities that spark their imagination.

👩‍🎓 Educators run carefully crafted experiential lesson plans, fostering an environment where every child's potential is nurtured. 

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Parents beam with pride, confident in the holistic growth their little ones are experiencing.

Together we can make it a reality through a cost-efficient program

We are thrilled to introduce Kindiedays' Early Years Transformation Program An affordable and interactive program tailored for preschools with the ambition to grow and be successful cost-efficiently.

What is December without a Christmas calendar - a long tradition in Finland

Monday, November 27, 2023

December is almost here, and so are the Christmas or Advent calendars. In Finland, children usually have their own calendar at home and the preschool has one as well. Therefore, here is a nice 24-day activity calendar for everyone who wants to get some "winter spirit" inspired by the North Pole.

The aim of Advent calendars is simply to bring joy. The advent calendar traditionally has 24 little surprises, so from the 1st to the 24th of December you get to open one little surprise. The surprise can be anything from a cute picture, a piece of chocolate, a small toy, or a suggestion for an activity as in this one.

Follow this post and get the 6+6 activity ideas for your own Finnish-style Christmas calendar with children! The second half of the calendar is coming out soon too.


Christmas calendar with activities inspired by the North Pole

The calendar is divided into four parts (6+6+6+6), and all together you will get 24 little pictures with an activity in it. In this post, you will get the first half of the activities (6+6) and the rest come out soon.

There is a list of ideas on how to prepare or how to modify the activity according to weather conditions and the age of the children.

For every child, every right

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of the Child on the 20th of November 1959 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the same date in 1989.

Therefore, World Children’s Day is celebrated every year on the 20th of November, and this entire week is dedicated to children. The theme this year is "For every child, every right".

For every child, peace. Every child, everywhere, has a right to live in a peaceful world.

For every child, a livable planet. Children have a right to a safe and livable planet.

For every child, a voice. Children must be listened to and included in all decisions that affect them.

Read more about the World Children's Day from here.

Children have the right to:

  • Personal views. Children have the right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them. Adults should listen and take children seriously.
  • Own thoughts and share them freely. Children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think, and feel, by talking, drawing, writing, or in any other way unless it harms other people.
  • Access to information. Children have the right to get information from the Internet, radio, television, newspapers, books, and other sources. Adults should make sure the information they are getting is not harmful.
  • A full life with disabilities. Every child with a disability should enjoy the best possible life in society.
  • Food, clothing, and a safe home. Children have the right to food, clothing, and a safe place to live so they can develop in the best possible way. The government should help families and children who cannot afford this.
  • Proper education. Children’s education should help them fully develop their personalities, talents, and abilities. It should teach them to understand their own rights and to respect other people’s rights, cultures, and differences. It should help them to live peacefully and protect the environment.
  • Rest, play, culture, arts. Every child has the right to rest, relax, play, and take part in cultural and creative activities.

See the full list of the Rights of the Child from here.

How to celebrate World Children's Day in early education?

Theme-based lesson plans: ENVIRONMENT

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The environment is all around us every single day. Environment is therefore an important topic to learn about. It truly matters how we take care of our environment, whether it is an indoor or outdoor environment, built or a natural one. Respecting what we have and taking good care of our surroundings is key when we think of our future generations and the environment they are going to have.

Ideas for sensory play

At the moment, the world is tackling some environmental hazards like water and air pollution as well as extreme weather conditions around the globe. This makes it even more important to teach about respecting the environment for children. Soon the children are ready to make a positive impact on our planet.

Explore more about 'Exploring and acting in my environment' learning area

Environment-themed lesson plans

So please, you are warmly welcome to the world of environmental theme! In these activities, children will harness the power of creativity, and the natural world to engage and inspire our young learners.

Theme-based lesson plans: UNDER THE SEA

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Say hello to Under the Sea adventures! Water element and the world under the sea is interesting already by itself. Now we throw literacy to swim with the fish! See how literacy meets the wonders of the ocean.

Through Kindiedays' theme-based activities, children will dive into the world of letters, words, and imagination, all inspired by the enchanting creatures that inhabit the deep blue sea.

Theme-based lesson plans

Theme-based lessons make learning engaging and meaningful for children. By exploring a central theme, children can see how different subjects are connected, participate in hands-on activities, and develop their language, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

See an introduction video to lesson plans

Themes provide context for learning, allowing children to relate new information to their own experiences. This fosters motivation, active participation, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter, laying a strong foundation for future learning.

The Lessons are also connected to 5 learning areas and their objectives derived from the Finnish National Curriculum. However, the learning areas and objectives are often similar to other international curriculums and can easily be used in any Early Learning Center.

Get a 'fishy' lesson plan sample from here

Under the Sea-themed lesson plans focus on:

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