The environment is all around us every single day. Environment is therefore an important topic to learn about. It truly matters how we take care of our environment, whether it is an indoor or outdoor environment, built or a natural one. Respecting what we have and taking good care of our surroundings is key when we think of our future generations and the environment they are going to have.
At the moment, the world is tackling some environmental hazards like water and air pollution as well as extreme weather conditions around the globe. This makes it even more important to teach about respecting the environment for children. Soon the children are ready to make a positive impact on our planet.
Explore more about 'Exploring and acting in my environment' learning area
Environment-themed lesson plans
So please, you are warmly welcome to the world of environmental theme! In these activities, children will harness the power of creativity, and the natural world to engage and inspire our young learners.