What is the point of circle time?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Circle time is often a time when children as well as educators come together and have a joined start for the day. Circle time is much more than a shared moment with the group. Circle time is full of educational aspects as well as the promotion of social development.

According to the Little Book of Circle Time all the learning areas can be covered through circle time activities. Circle time can be used for anything: promoting speaking and listening skills, mathematical thinking, a sense of teamwork, and sharing/taking turns.

How to prepare circle time?

First of all, children will need a comfortable seat or rather floor space to sit on. It is nice if you have a specific circle time area (for example a round carpet) that you gather on each time. When the circle time area is familiar to children, it is easier for them to concentrate and they also know what is ahead when they gather for circle time.

Same, repeated routines are recommendable. For example, start circle time always at the same time (for example after breakfast). Have the same starting and ending songs for circle time, but other activities during circle time can vary depending on your current learning theme or season. Also keep track of time, make sure circle time is no more than 20-30 minutes long.

Seasons and Weather Lesson Plan Sample


How to involve toddlers in circle time?

Little children (under 3-year-olds) who are possibly only starting to attend circle time may have difficulties sitting still. The most important thing is, that you make the circle time area inviting and interesting. Second, circle time does not have to be very long. When you are only getting used to circle time, it is enough if you get everyone to sit in the circle and sing one song. Little by little, you can add more activities to circle time when children are more motivated to take it all in. It is also fine if someone crawls outside the circle and entertains herself with a book etc. With little children, circle time rules need to be flexible.


Visual environment

Visual environment is important for circle time, it is good if it helps children to focus during circle time. Here are some examples of activities and pictures you can use for your circle time wall:

  • WHO IS HERE - Have a laminated photo of all the children + educators and see who is present at the kindergarten today and who is staying home/off sick.
  • WHAT IS THE WEATHER - See what is the weather like today outside by using a weather wheel.
  • WEEKLY SCHEDULE - Have a weekly schedule with pictures and explain what is today's activity.
  • EMOTION OF THE DAY - Let the children share their daily feelings with the help of pictures.


WHAT IS THE WEATHER? From below you can have a free weather wheel for your circle time. Download, print, laminate, and start using!


Happy circle times!

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