Taking Parents Along in Their Child's Learning Journey at the Preschool!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

As a preschool owner or manager, your mission is to provide a nurturing and high-quality educational environment that fosters the holistic development of every child while growing admissions and parent satisfaction. How can these goals be combined practically?

The Importance of Parental Involvement

Parental involvement is vital for a successful preschool. In Finland, children learn through play and aren't scored, yet parents are confident in the quality of education. However, daily face-to-face meetings between teachers and parents can be hectic, and using paper notes is unreliable. A better approach is needed.

Cooperating with a child's family is crucial. Parents know their children best and want to engage in their learning, see evidence of progress, and handle daily practicalities smoothly. Teachers and families are in the same boat, working for the child's best interest.

Studies show that active parental involvement leads to better academic performance, improved social skills, and a positive attitude toward learning. For preschool owners and managers, fostering strong parent-teacher relationships increases trust and satisfaction, which is crucial for building a reputable and successful preschool.

How to Engage Parents?

1. Regular Communication

Use purpose-built digital platforms like Kindiedays to inform parents about their child's activities, progress, and upcoming events. These tools save time and provide all important information in one place, enhancing communication. Tools like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, or email are not secure and cannot be recommended.

2. Digital Learning Tools

Integrate digital learning tools to involve parents in their child's learning. Kindiedays offers real-time updates and digital portfolios, ensuring consistent communication and engagement with the parents.

3. Parent-Teacher Meetings

Schedule regular meetings to discuss each child's progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. In Finland, these discussions typically happen once in three to six months. Digital portfolios serve as a common reference, making discussions more meaningful and productive to plan the child’s developmental journey. 

4. Interactive Workshops and Events

Organize workshops and events to educate parents about the preschool's methods and curriculum, and how they can support their child's learning at home. These activities strengthen community and collaboration.

5. Volunteering Opportunities

Encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom or during events. This involvement builds stronger relationships and allows parents to experience the preschool environment firsthand.

6. Feedback Mechanisms

Create channels for parents to provide feedback and suggestions. Regular surveys and open-door policies help you understand and address parents' needs and expectations, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Benefits of a Strong Parent-Preschool Partnership


  • Enhanced Learning Outcomes: Children perform better when parents are involved.
  • Improved Behavior: Reinforces positive behavior both at home and in school.
  • Stronger Community: Engaged parents contribute to a supportive preschool community.
  • Increased Enrollment and Retention: Satisfied parents will choose and recommend your preschool.



Taking parents along in their child's learning journey is crucial for providing the best start in life. By implementing effective strategies and using innovative tools like Kindiedays, you can ensure parents are engaged, informed, and invested in their child's education.

Take action now: Visit Kindiedays website or schedule a Free consultation call to discover how our tailored solutions can facilitate a high-quality learning environment. Explore firsthand how we can help you elevate your preschool to new heights of educational excellence.


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